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What is architecture?

Architecture is the art of building. That is a definition that everyone will agree on. Architecture is much more than that, such as how you experience a space.

That is architecture
Architecture is the creation of spaces. If there are at least two walls, then you have space. It is up to the architect to design this space in such a way that people feel comfortable in it. Factors that determine whether or not a room has succeeded are, for example, acoustics, dimensions, the incidence of light, color, temperature, and humidity.

According to Vitruvius, architecture is based on three principles, namely beauty, firmness, and usability. Architecture also has to do with all kinds of external factors, such as the culture in which building takes place, the climate, the availability of materials and the money that people are willing to pay for it. Creating architecture is designing a structure and taking into account many factors.

The architect
The profession of an architect is unique in the world because his work covers both the technical and artistic aspects of reality. An architect must design a building that people like and are technically feasible.

Everyone has an opinion about architecture, but few people understand it. Because the architect has to take into account so many different factors, it often takes years for architects to master the profession. You do not count below 40 yet. Because most of them only become successful later in their careers, they usually do not stop working at the age of 65.

What does an architect do?
An architect designs a building and thereby 'works' architecture. A few centuries ago, the architect was also called the architect. He designed, calculated, and executed. He controlled all the people. Because buildings are very complicated nowadays, many specialisms have emerged. All of these parties participate to a greater or lesser extent in the construction process. In many cases, these are still controlled by the architect, which is then called 'management.' If the plan is so large that the architect cannot manage it himself, a construction manager will be appointed.

The architect can design a beautiful building nicely, but the project stands or falls with proper execution. That is what AVN interior Architects in Mumbai. That is why the contractor has a considerable finger in the porridge, and most of the time, he has been fooled to make the building as cheap as possible. The better he succeeds, the higher his profit. Construction is also all about money.

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